Multi work and its importance in the life of the individual and society

Everyone no matter how high would or dropped - Work is a duty upon; because the rules of Islam and the behavior of the prophets and the righteous refer to the need to work to earn the money from the face of old to spend it on self and family and children, and raise this money earned rights of working Fiktat it is of and educated dependents and up mercy, and protecting his honor, and protects his religion and dispense with the question and gracious living dear and venerable die benign ..And field studies have confirmed in the field of industrial sociology that man always working to find fulfilling all his needs, and the first of these needs. What the body needs: food, drink and clothing - when he finished working to find shelter for himself he finds security and stability.If maneuvered wife's search for shelter; married and had started looking for social status under which enjoys the respect and appreciation .. From here - also emphasizes industrial sociologists and professional - the duty to meet the requirements of life, and in the framework of the legitimate boundaries which do not affect the rights of others and do not harm the interests of the society for all to live in peace and cooperation ..Hence the status of Islam general rules to work Fny organized and distributed to not be distracted by human action minimum for the afterlife, and cautioned that excessive side to side when the loss of a man who must be moderate and combines practical world and the Hereafter, pursuant to the words of God:) and Aptg with ATX God Hereafter and do not forget your share of the world and the best as the best God you do not mischief in the land that God does not like spoilers (Sura stories: verse 77.When your order that moderate Islam in your life, your order to investigate ways of working a job and productive - buying and selling -; because working in the forbidden thing brings ruin and achieves a human misery and push it to the misery .. It said Luqman to his son in this place "My son Use Gainful'm on poverty; it what lacked a but never hit him three qualities: a paper in his religion - and weakness in his mind - and go Mruth, and the greatest of these three irreverence people are doing," and I knew the prophets value of work as such .. Each prophet had craft works and lives with the greatest responsibilities .. Take for example our Lord - Idris - was tailor earns work his hand, and David was in mourning as mentioned Qur'an in the words of God Almighty:) and Elena his iron to work Spegt estimated in the narrative and do right (SABA: verses 10, 11, and there are some reports confirm that he was properties that works wicker - basket - and so on, and Noah was a carpenter, as was Zakariya, Ibrahim has camels, horses and sheep .. As Moses wage earner when a man who worked in the grazing sheep, the Koran tells us) say work soon will Allah observe your work and His Messenger and the believers (repentance: Verse 105, and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was tending sheep for the people of Mecca paid particular.The work when it is that produces gain; it is the best way ... This is not surprising that interested in Islam to work and workers; because the work is no longer useful to factor alone, but the return on society as a whole, take, for example, a farmer who succeed earth to yield fruit growing and germinate; return of these farming community .. Also that the construction and build buildings; it returns to the community, and take every profession you will see that each one works in part complemented the other, what works in agriculture needs to be of grinding and after grinding to be a bakery, and after baking to be carried to the consumer, which make fabric needs to grown the cotton, and to the merchant who carries him to the spinning mills, and to the merchant who carries him to the spinning mills, and there machines that manufacture manufacturer to take over the spinning cotton or wool and then enters the fabric and then enters the dyeing and then to the processing .. Then .. Then .. To convey to consumers ..Had anyone been neglected in production would harm others; because everyone it stage of production, it must Ajodha and improves in. tantamount level of performance and this is what urged by Islam in the words of the Prophet peace be upon him "that God loves of one of you if any action that good at. " Islam with proficiency required to work faithfully the intention of God, is equivalent with increased rates of production and the Almighty God says:) good work of a male or female, and is a believer فلنحيينه good Haywah and recompense them their reward what they do best (bees: verse 97 .. And God Almighty, raise the human and gave him his abilities physical, mental and queens intellectual; wisdom behind this is to create rights for building the universe and carry the responsibilities of development in all directions which can be achieved only by working assiduous activity fruitful continuing to exploit the resources of the earth, and Allah has bestowed him the rights of Jalil graces, There it glorified the human sources of inexhaustible and extended uninterrupted raw materials and methods productivity art, all of which have material to work rights and a field for thinking, and these things have become sufficient to achieve a human in social and economic development as measured by the efforts of human work and the effort; yield because it is subject to make an effort to work and endures hardship.I have dear Islam all professions and businesses, trades and jobs to people; because they vary; This works in his hand, and this being behind machines, and this account crowd and put forward, and this drawing geometric, and that knowledge of diagnosis and prescription, and so find that each one serves the other of what he knows or does not know and therefore the poet said:People to People of Bedouins and present ..Some for some but did not feel servedThe Almighty God has endowed people every single talent is different from the other upright life, and the community to put the foundations of public education that enables anyone with talent to do the work that fits his talent; because during Education; the talent discovered and known tests psychological, as well as the capacity and intelligence to come from behind this composition hierarchy of society base unions wider, and they need to help them until Omran their hands, and if Allona of base of the pyramid to what is higher than we find workers skilled technicians; If we got to the middle we find middle management and those are the mode decade in peace work. . If our boat top of the pyramid was thinkers and planners from the highest levels, so if Allona was layer genius then who are at the top of the summit and who live human inventions and innovations and discoveries to laws of the universe, and by upgrading their thinking is the nation's progress, and this pointed right Almighty that raise stature and higher أقدارهم; because they say them right) God raises you who believe and who have been given knowledge traditionally (arguing: verse 11, but their status Semitism, the fear of God much; because they knew that the donor of the mind is God, and inspiring to think good is God .. This God said about them) but fear Allah Alalma (creator: verse 28, that work in Islam worship; because from behind the thorough work benefit people and running wheel work, came from the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him "all of creation Eyal God and love him أنفعهم for dependents ", and Islam, which emphasizes this sense alert to comfort employees and provide wages appropriate to them with the provision of housing, transportation, and create an atmosphere of well-being permitted to unwind themselves the trouble of working; because workers if tired of some conditions, the work confused .. So identifies Islam method of expression for this fatigue and raise instructed to those responsible for them not befitting worker to leave work; because that failure to do offended nation; because worker doing his reward when God is in the worship of continuous does not limit nor lazy so as not to harm others, Prophet peace be upon him says "None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself", and the religion which we believe religion is inseparable from the social state .. This warned God of inaction and laziness claiming religious or worship is the view Almighty) If I spent Prayer ended, then disperse in the land and seek of Allah (Friday: verse 10, and also says:) is that you make the earth furnishes its tracts and enjoy of living and the Resurrection (King: verse 15, and the Messenger peace be upon him says: "If Tokltm on God's right his trust for your provision also kicking bird becomes Khmasa and go Btana", ie go first day atrophic bellies from hunger, and returns etc. full bellies, movement where a pond; therefore Imam Ahmad says t in this talk is not a sign of failure to gain; rather it is evidence of earning a living, if you want to if they Trust in God in their quest is also seeking bird for their livelihood as Kicking Bird in his quest as become Khmasa and back Btana .. Says Omar bin Khattab "to Aigad anyone from earning a living, he says God bless me; have you know that the sky does not rain gold or silver." The master work of charity, and sociability Ihsan Therefore, we believe that the right to Almighty cream support and great sustenance with benefactors, who are not satisfied once work; but Atguenoh Agodoh and Ahassanoh and come by on his face fuller They have the penalty fully from the Lord of great said) and not for humans only what * sought and that quest will see * the penalty is then valid fully (star verses 39 - 40, and also says:) and who fought us a gift of our ways and God good work (Spider: verse 69.Islam is the glory of characters people perceive it look a lot of scorn and degradation such as .. Herding sheep .. Between the Prophet peace be upon him it was a career prophets says in his Sharif: "God sent the prophet only sponsored the sheep said - and you O Messenger of Allah? Said yes .. you Oraaha on carats for the people of Mecca," as if the Prophet peace be upon him this says to patrons sheep your work the great Vaghannm Trophy and passengers riding in the goodness, and all work performed by the pride of the human factor; because it never eat human food better than to eat from the work of his hand .. Says: Aisha - God bless them - for women who work and exercise activity production says "spindle in the hands of women better than the spear but fights for the sake of God," came in a book "unique contract" by Ibn Abd Rabbo second part, just as Islam called man to work where women as well as wishes and practiced anywhere as long as they maintain and Qarha committed to growing Islamic influence is bringing harm morally or socially to her family; Flanaraf of work, God loves working.