Windws setup

Awesome piece of information for Windows XP as possible be in the people you know

ČÓ de in my view, the most important piece of information for Windows XP.

The information De Mesh Htistab a copy of Windows Tani and relieve yourself from needs ßĘíŃ.

Everyone knows of the main reasons for disabling Windows he loses many files.

But now after will never disables Windows this way ..

Everything that you do the following: -



Write it
sfc / scannow

And enter the cylinder my ÇáÇßÓ in CD Rom

Leave the device

Who are in this matter the following .....

First: deletes corrupted files and replaces the original files that there بالسى de

Second: Any file minus cleaning the work of Cuban him from the cylinder and place it in cleaning the
And so you will be Windows ÔŰÇá 100% fully